Terms and Conditions

Are commonly used to organize and clarify the Terms and Conditions of a contract or agreement. You can adapt them according to the specificity of your document.


Object CGV


Article 1: Purpose The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions is to define the technical, legal and financial conditions allowing the Client to subscribe to a Service from NOVELLOGIA SOLUTION. The provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Service are mandatory and apply to the Client during any Service concluded with NOVELLOGIA SOLUTION. Buyer and seller may also be referred to hereinafter jointly or individually as “The parties” or “The party”. In the absence of a Service Provision Contract concluded between NOVELLOGIA and its Client, the General Terms and Conditions described below apply automatically. .


2. Any request or order for the Provision of Services initiated by a Client must be preceded by either a quote or a commercial proposal provided to the client. This quote (or commercial proposal) is attached to these General Conditions of Sale (CGV) and forms an integral part of them. Upon receipt and acceptance of a quote or proposal by the Client, any request or order for the Provision of Services entails full and unreserved acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions. The Customer acknowledges having read the General Terms and Conditions, having understood them and accepted them. It also waives the application of its own general conditions of purchase. No particular or general purchase condition can, unless expressly agreed in writing by both parties, prevail over the General Terms and Conditions set out here. In the absence of express acceptance, any contrary condition will therefore not be enforceable against the Service Provider, regardless of the period at which it may have been brought to its attention.

Quote / Commercial Proposal and Order

3. In the absence of specific indications, a quote or commercial proposal remains valid for a period of 1 month from the date of its issue. If the Client does not accept it within this period, the quote or proposal will become obsolete, and the Client will have to request a new edition. For an order to be considered firm and final, the Customer must expressly approve any quote presented by Novellogia Solution. This approval requires that the quote (or proposal) be correctly completed and returned to the Service Provider in electronic format (digital document or digitized/scanned PDF). In the absence of receipt of a duly completed quote, Novellogia reserves the right not to begin the associated service. In addition, Novellogia reserves the right to refuse any request that is not contractualized or goes against the principles of honesty and morality, such as discrimination, pornography, racism or incitement to violence.

Object of the contract

4. Novellogia undertakes to provide web development services in accordance with the specifications defined in the quotation or project contract.

Prices and Payment

5. Rates and payment terms are specified in the estimate or project contract. The Customer undertakes to respect these conditions.

Intellectual property

6. All intellectual property rights, including source code, graphic design, and other assets created as part of the project, remain the property of the Agency until full payment is made. Once payments are made, the Client obtains a license to use the deliverables for the purposes specified in the contract.


7. Both parties undertake to maintain the confidentiality of confidential information exchanged during the implementation of the project.


8. Novellogia is committed to providing services consistent with industry standards and meeting agreed deadlines. 5.2 The Client is responsible for providing the information and resources necessary for the completion of the project.

Modifications and Revisions

9. Any changes to the scope of the project must be agreed in writing between both parties and may result in additional costs.


10. The terms of termination are defined in a separate agreement. In the event of termination, the Customer must pay the fees for the services already provided.

Applicable Law and Disputes

11. In the event of a dispute, the law of the applicable jurisdiction will apply, and the parties will first seek to resolve the dispute amicably. These General Conditions of Sale form a binding agreement between Novellogia and the Client, and the Client is recommended to read them carefully and accept them before the start of any project with Novellogia.

Force major

12. Novellogia is not held responsible in the event of non-performance or delay in its obligations arising from the General Conditions of Sale due to a case of Force Majeure. Force Majeure includes serious, unpredictable, irresistible events external to Novellogia. In the event of Force Majeure, Novellogia will promptly inform the Client in writing, email or fax, and the Client will have ten days to confirm the situation. Delivery times will be automatically extended depending on the duration of the Force Majeure.

Guarantees and after-sales service

13. In the absence of specific indications in the initial documents, any service with a value greater than 150,000 Dhs excluding tax includes follow-up to resolve the problems reported by the Client or the Service Provider. This assistance is valid for a warranty period of 60 days from the date of delivery of the service. For websites where the client manages the content, only the files created by the Service Provider and the initial structure of the screens and the database are covered by the guarantee.

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