Core values

We remove the barriers so that teams can focus on what matters: working together to create products that their customers love.

  • Customers first

    The satisfaction of our customers is our compass. Our unwavering commitment is to always put our customers first.

  • Act with integrity

    We are honest, transparent and committed to doing what is best for our customers and our business. We collaborate openly in the search for truth. We have no tolerance for politics, hidden agendas, or passive-aggressive behavior.

  • Make a difference every day

    Our company exists to help merchants sell more. We make every decision and measure every outcome based on how it serves our customers.

  • Aim high

    Being a Leader requires unparalleled vision, innovation and execution. We are never satisfied. We challenge our ideas of what is possible to better meet the needs of our customers.

  • Do the right thing

    Integrity is the foundation of everything we do. We are admired and respected for our commitment to honesty, trust and transparency.

  • Stronger united

    We have created a positive and inclusive culture that fosters open, honest and meaningful relationships.

Our history
Our history

Behind every brand there is an interesting story.

Our story is that of a young and passionate team, driven by innovation. Drawing on our creative energy, we are building the future of the web with audacity and ambition, offering our clients digital solutions that push the boundaries.


Our mission is to help businesses grow as best they can under existing conditions.

Our mission is to design digital excellence. We put our expertise at the service of your success by creating tailor-made, innovative and efficient web solutions.

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Contact us

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We are here to answer your questions and guide you towards tailor-made solutions for your needs. Talk to our specialists today.


What our customers say about us

Feedback from our customers. Listen to their reviews and find out what they think about our company and our services. The satisfaction of our customers is our best reward.

Mourad yaacobi
Mourad yaacobiResponsable administratif et financier

Travailler avec a été une expérience exceptionnelle. Leur équipe a su allier créativité et technicité pour donner vie à notre vision. Nous sommes plus que satisfaits du résultat.

Ahmed ottmany
Ahmed ottmanyDirecteur
StarStarStarStarStar a été incroyablement réactive et professionnelle. Grâce à leur expertise, notre site est devenu plus performant que jamais. Nous recommandons chaudement leurs services.

Fatima ezzahra
Fatima ezzahraResponsable Marketing

Nous sommes reconnaissants envers novellogia pour leur expertise en développement web. Ils ont non seulement amélioré notre site, mais ont également boosté notre visibilité en ligne. C'est un investissement qui en vaut la peine.

Mohamed El Fagou
Mohamed El FagouGérant 'semistre'

Notre expérience avec a été exceptionnelle. Leur équipe a su capturer notre vision et créer un site web qui dépasse nos attentes. Nous recommandons vivement leurs services !

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Développement Web au Maroc : Votre Porte d'Entrée Vers un Monde Numérique sans Limites

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À la Pointe de la Technologie : Découvrez les Services de Développement Web Qui Révolutionnent les Entreprises au Maroc

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L'ère numérique a remodelé le paysage des affaires à l'échelle mondiale, et le Maroc n'est pas en reste. Au cœur de cett...

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