Finger Choose The Best Plan

Pick your plan. Change whenever you want. No switching fees between packages

Trial Plan

Trial Plan

Protect for testing

  • Brand Awareness Ads
  • Retargeting Ads
  • Contextual, Demographic
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Global Certificates
  • Snapchat Advertising
  • TikTok Advertising
  • Advanced List Building


Advanced project

  • Brand Awareness Ads
  • Retargeting Ads
  • Contextual, Demographic
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Global Certificates
  • Snapchat Advertising
  • TikTok Advertising
  • Advanced List Building


Protect for testing

  • Brand Awareness Ads
  • Retargeting Ads
  • Contextual, Demographic
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Global Certificates
  • Snapchat Advertising
  • TikTok Advertising
  • Advanced List Building


Protect for testing

  • Brand Awareness Ads
  • Retargeting Ads
  • Contextual, Demographic
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Global Certificates
  • Snapchat Advertising
  • TikTok Advertising
  • Advanced List Building
Requests Quota 50k Requests/Day 100k Requests/Day 500k Requests/Day Unlimited
Account Acess 35 85 120 Unlimited
Service Analystic
Achive Nodes
Enriched APIs
Rosetta APIs

Frequently asked questions

Feeling inquisitive? Have a read through some of our FAQs or contact our supporters for help

We use advanced security protocols, regular updates and security audits to ensure your site is protected.

The duration varies depending on the complexity of the project. We develop a personalized schedule to meet your requirements.

A tailor-made solution maximizes relevance to your audience, improves user experience and strengthens your brand image.

Yes, SEO optimization is integrated into our services to improve the visibility of your site in search results.

Costs vary depending on the scope of the project. We develop a personalized quote based on your needs and your budget.

Payment terms vary depending on the contract. Usually, a deposit is required to begin the project, followed by installment payments throughout the development process.

An invoice will be automatically sent to you after each payment, detailing the services provided and the amounts paid.

Yes, we offer maintenance contracts to ensure the continued stability and performance of your website.

Contact us by phone or email, and we will be happy to discuss your project, your needs and your vision.

What our customers are saying

Hear from our users who have saved thousands on their Startup and SaaS solution spend.

Mourad yaacobi

Mourad yaacobiResponsable administratif et financiera

<p>Travailler avec a été une expérience exceptionnelle. Leur équipe a su allier créativité et technicité pour donner vie à notre vision. Nous sommes plus que satisfaits du résultat.</p>

30 Aug 2023
Ratting starRatting starRatting starRatting starRatting star

Ahmed ottmany

Ahmed ottmanyDirecteura

<p> a été incroyablement réactive et professionnelle. Grâce à leur expertise, notre site est devenu plus performant que jamais. Nous recommandons chaudement leurs services.</p>

30 Aug 2023
Ratting starRatting starRatting starRatting starRatting star

Fatima ezzahra

Fatima ezzahraResponsable Marketinga

<p>Nous sommes reconnaissants envers novellogia pour leur expertise en développement web. Ils ont non seulement amélioré notre site, mais ont également boosté notre visibilité en ligne. C'est un investissement qui en vaut la peine.</p>

30 Aug 2023
Ratting starRatting starRatting starRatting starRatting star

Mohamed El Fagou

Mohamed El FagouGérant 'semistre'a

<p>Notre expérience avec a été exceptionnelle. Leur équipe a su capturer notre vision et créer un site web qui dépasse nos attentes. Nous recommandons vivement leurs services !</p>

30 Aug 2023
Ratting starRatting starRatting starRatting starRatting star
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