Lead Full-Stack Engineer, Full time

Lead Full-Stack Engineer, Full time

30 août 2023 127

Résumé du travail

A Discuter

We’re hiring our Lead Full-Stack Engineer to lead the product and grow the team on all Frontend efforts. You will work directly with the CTO. Our platform is made of a set of unique tools and APIs that automate the App publishing process.


Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and + 3 years of experience working on backend/frontend systems
Experience working on large-scale systems
You have a strong background in React, preferably using Typescript
You have experience with Node.js
Fluent level of English

You have managed a team before
You have experience with React Native

What we value

- Get things done - we enjoy working with people who have a sense of urgency, and who thrive in environments where both, speed and quality matter.

- Critical thinking - there’s nothing better than working with a team that can think critically about a problem or a situation to identify the right next step!

- International - we’re a team of +3 nationalities, you'll feel right at home if you’ve moved around!

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